Thursday, December 29, 2011

Cat Health - A First Aid Kit for Your Cat

Cat Health is a subject close to the mind of most cat owners. We do not like to see our pets suffering and often go to a great deal of effort and expense to keep them fit and healthy. However, just like people a cat can be prone to accidents and mishaps and for that reason it is advisable to have a feline first aid kit available in the house. Just like the first aid kit we keep for general medical emergencies it does not have to be elaborate.

Most of the items found in a human first aid kit can prove useful in a cat emergency although you should be cautious using human remedies for cats as they could be harmful to your pet. Some of the items that you should consider including in a feline first aid kit are:
Olive Oil which can be useful for cleaning out your cats ears and it is also a good treatment should your cat become constipated.

Thermometer. It is best to use a rectal thermometer which should be available either from your vet or local pet store. Before using it make sure that you shake it down so that you get an accurate reading. A cat's temperature normally should be between 38.3 and 38.9C (1201-102F) and just a little lower for kittens.
Disinfectant A mild disinfectant would be useful and your vet should be able to advise on a suitable one for use on your pet.

Cotton wool, gauze pads and cotton wool buds are also useful items as are a couple of suitable sized bandages.

Cats are prone to bite sand scratches and a useful addition to your first aid kit would be a tube of an antiseptic cream formulated for cats.

In addition a pair of round ended scissors and a pair of tweezers to remove any kind of splinters would more or less complete the basic cat first aid kit. However, to avoid infecting yourself whilst treating your cat you might like to add a pair of thick gloves to the kit to avoid being scratched whilst treating your cat.

One final consideration is that if your cat becomes suddenly sick or injured you will need to get them to a vet as soon as possible. Therefore, you should make sure that you have a suitable carrier in which to transport your cat.

It is always hoped that you will not need your feline first aid kit but it is always better to be prepared just in case.
Being a cat owner comes with responsibilities you need to know about Cat Care. To find free articles about looking after your cat visit
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